Da Fish in Sea

These are the voyages of Captain Observant

Vim for JavaScript

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Using Vim for JavaScript Development

Here is how I do it …

Plugin management

I recommend using pathogen to manage plugins, as then you can simply clone the plugin repos into your .vim/bundle directory and you’re done. (and run ‘:Helptags’ to install help).

default javascript syntax

While this is not bad, I personally prefer another Javascript syntax definition file, which provides a more complete set of keywords (eg. browser events such as ‘onmouseover’), and thus highlights them differently. To use it, download and copy it to


Now when viewing the same .js file, you will notice a few differences:

better javascript syntax


Another feature which this syntax file adds is the ability to fold functions. You can fold a function by positioning the cursor within it and typing ‘zc’. Then it will collapse to a single blue line with the function definition highlighted in it, and the number of lines contained within the fold. This can be a handy way to defocus attention from functions you are not interested in. It works in nested functions as well.

Whitespace settings

I generally want Javascript to have spaces instead of tabs, with 4 spaces for each indent level. This can be achieved by adding the following content as the file .vim/after/ftplugin/javascript.vim

" set whitespace for javascript to always use 4 spaces instead of tabs
setlocal expandtab
setlocal shiftwidth=4
setlocal shiftround
setlocal tabstop=4


Vim’s default indent file for javascript merely sets the indentation to cindent… this is not very effective. For best results, go get the web-indent plugin.

Then you can use the builtin indent commands (essentially ‘=’ in command mode, combined with a motion, eg. ‘gg=G’ for the whole file, or just select some text in visual mode and hit ‘=’).
